Daddy lives with (names of rest of family and pets) and me at (address or just town or description eg: in a big red house on Clevely Street).
He is very clever and goes to work at (name or location of work or description eg: a big office) where he is an amazing (what he does).
He is funny, adventurous, playful and loving. (non personalised page includes funny pictures of bear dressing up!)
He likes to (mode of transport eg: drive his car, van, truck, motorbike, bike, train, bus, run) which is (colour of transport or colour of trainers if running) and faster than a rocket.
His favourite food is (his food), mine is (child’s food). He never gets full and can always eat seconds.
When he has time he likes (favourite hobby eg playing football). I like (favourite hobby or pastime of child eg: sleeping on Mummy, playing with my toys).
He loves to play games with me. My favourite is (child's favourite game).
He takes us on exciting adventures to far away lands. My favourite was (name a place or activity like going swimming).
He looks after us and keeps our house looking perfect, although he hates (housework he hates eg: DIY).
At the end of the day he likes to relax in front of the TV watching (programme or genre such as films) before he tucks me in bed.
Daddy I love you to the moon and back, love (name of child).