Tales of Inspiring Mums
Growing older doesn't mean that we don’t need our Mums. Whether it’s motivation to chase our dreams or just having a cuppa and a chat. They have the power to inspires us with shows of strength and determination. Mother’s are made of tough stuff and in todays’ 24 hour news cycle and the world ending politics, it is important that we take a step back and recognise the truly amazing things that they do everyday; and here at Letterfest we see so many wonderful stories and memories about families across the world. So we thought we’d find some remarkable Mums out there to spread some inspiration and positivity.
Image - https://twitter.com/meaghanelderkin
Meaghan Elderkin
Meaghan lives in the US. Now Meaghan has two daughters, a 9 year old and a 2 year old; for the eldest who is at school, Meaghan writes inspiring feminist notes that she puts in her daughters lunchbox everyday. She accompanies these napkin based notes with a comical sketch of both fictional characters and actual women, such as Michelle Obama, whom her daughter can use as role models. This is such a beautiful and creative way in which Meaghan and her daughter connect and gives her a positive view in this somewhat negative world.
Follow her on twitter @meaghaneldekin
Image - https://www.instagram.com/dresslikeamum/
Zoë de Pass
lives in London, UK and this fabulous lady is shattering the stereotypes left, right and centre. Zoë who has two children, launched her valiant campaign ‘Dress Like A Mum’ in 2014 because she was bewildered when people would assume and then comment on how she does not ‘dress’ how they expected. Her frustration turned into determination which has turned triumphant as she is now an established public figure that is changing the way we see Mums. Although parents in general tend to have a lot less time for themselves and their priorities change that doesn’t mean they should have to dress in a particular way. Zoë believes there is no such thing as ‘normal’ or ‘proper’, she doesn’t want Mums to lose their fashion identity and feel pressured to dress in a way society expects them too once baby arrives. She is standing up for Mum-kind and giving them a place where they can feel themselves and not to feel stigmatised.
Follow her on instagram @dresslikeamum

Naomi Czuba
She is another London based Mum and professional dancer. In 2011 after having her children Naomi founded KCD KidsCanDance which is a Street Dance and Creative Movement class for kids when she realised the lack of fun activities in her local area and she wanted somewhere her daughters could also attend . An inspiring way for kids to build a community and express themselves in a healthy way which gives them a platform to perform. As of 2018, Naomi's business expanded and she opened her own dance studio NCD Naomi Czuba Dance where she now does classes for all ages, making it accessible to all. What a fab way she has used her own skills to bring people together and to get people moving, keeping them happy and healthy!
Follow her on instagram @naomiczubadance
I found so many inspirational people that I could write about forever but those are just a handful that really stood out by doing things that anyone is capable of doing with the right mindset. Take notes from these strong and empowering women because it never hurts to spread the love and positive vibes with the network of people in your life. Look at the Mums that you know, your own, Grandmothers, sisters and friends who are Mums and if you’re a mother; look at all the inspiring things you do everyday! Even if it doesn’t feel inspiring to change a nappy or to go to work to pay the bills to provide for your kids, you are their rock, the glue holding it all together and even if your kids don’t say it, they are grateful.
Where does Mother’s Day come from and why do we celebrate It?
Mothering Sunday goes way beyond cards and flowers - it began in the 16th century as a day to visit your “mother church” and spend time with family. Explore how this beautiful tradition became the Mother’s Day we know today.
Mother’s Day gift messages she’ll love
We’ve rounded up heartfelt, funny, and thoughtful message ideas for mums, grandmas, step-mums, and new mums - perfect for adding to your gift.